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Mazesoba and staff’s favourite Mazesoba restaurant


What is Mazesoba?

It is a noodle dish that has evolved uniquely in Japan and it is different from Ramen. The word “maze” comes from the Japanese word meaning to mix.

Since there was an article about Aburasoba in the past, I would like to introduce Mazesoba this time.

Do you know the difference between mazesoba and aburasoba? Originally, abura soba was also called “mazesoba,” but before long these two noodle dishes came to be recognized as different.


Differences between aburasoba and maze soba


  1. The amount of topping
    The main difference between aburasoba and mazesoba is the amount and type of toppings.Aburasoba is very simple and is said to have been created for the enjoyment of the noodle flavour. Toppings are usually respectful of the flavour of abura soba. 

    Mazesoba, however, is a dish enjoyed with different toppings and sauce flavours. Instead of the concept of enjoying the flavour of the noodles in aburasoba, this is mainly about mixing the flavours with the noodles.

    Various toppings can be added and the sauce itself is often completely different, so a wide range of flavours of noodles without soup can be enjoyed.


  2. The way of eating
    Another difference is the way noodles and sauce are combined.While aburasoba is eaten by mixing the sauce and oil in the bottom of the bowl, mazesoba’s sauce is already mixed in with the noodles and flavoured with the sauce. Aburasoba is eaten with the sauce, whereas mazesoba, as the name suggests, is eaten with all the toppings and sauce mixed in. 

Recommended mazesoba near K’s House Tokyo Oasis

We have introduced two quick and tasty mazesoba restaurants within a five-minute walk from here!

Shellfish soup ramen restaurant MEN-YA UMIKAZE: Shellfish oil maze soba

As the name suggests, the special feature of this ramen shop is the soup, which is a mixture of shellfish broth made from clams, scallops and kombu seaweed, and clear chicken broth. The light soup has a deep shellfish flavour.


The restaurant’s mazesoba is personally felt to be somewhere between aburasoba and tsukemen. Compared to the famous mazesoba in Taiwanese style, the toppings and sauce are not as strong and rather simple, with a light soup-like sauce. The shellfish oil in the sauce gives a nice aroma of shellfish broth. The aroma of the shellfish broth and nori seaweed topping matched very well and provided a nice accent.


I have had ramen before, but it is generally lighter, perhaps because of the shellfish broth. If you want more punch to your taste, you can add some Chinese chili oil on the table. If you like spicy food, there is a spicy maze soba available!


・Ordering method: buy tickets from a ticket machine
・Credit card payment OK
・Special set meal available on weekdays
・Wide variety of ramen
・Two types of barbecued pork toppings


Menya Maruichi: Mapo tofu mazesoba

Mianya Maruichi is located on Hisago street and is marked by a yellow sign.

It maze soba and tsuke men noodles shop, created by a ramen shop in Itabashi called Jikaseimen No11.

Here, you need to mix all the strong-flavoured sauces and toppings together. Compared to mazesoba with shellfish oil, it packs with flavour and spices.


The signature dish is the soupless mapo tofu mazesoba. The spiciness of mapo tofu is just right, and Sichuan pepper creates rich flavour. When you are shown to your seat, you are first asked what type of noodles you would like. There are two types of noodles to choose from: extra-thick wavy noodles or straight whole-grain noodles. Next, you can choose the quantity of noodles from small, medium or large size. You then tell them how much of the free toppings you want – garlic, seasoned back fat and mayonnaise. When you finish your noodles, you will get a free bowl of rice the size of a golf ball at the end of your meal, so make sure you have some space to finish it with rice! The staff who work here actually frequently go this restaurant, so you should definitely give it a try!


Purchase tickets from a ticket vending machine.
・Cash only.
・No English on ticket vending machines, but there is English information on the type of noodles inside shop
・Take away available



The style and seasoning of mazesoba is completely different from shop to shop, so none of the mazesoba are the same, and it is very appealing to be able to enjoy it at every shop you visit.

If I am asked which of the mazesoba restaurants is my recommendation, it is very difficult to answer. It depends on what kind of seasoning you fancy to eat, whether you want it light or thick, etc. I have made tables showing the characteristics of maze soba at each restaurant and other information below. I would be happy if you could use this as a reference when you would like to eat mazesoba near K’s House Tokyo Oasis.


If you are in the mood for…
I want something light.
I want ramen as well as mazesoba.
I want to eat seafood noodles.
I want to eat mazesoba, but I don’t have any cash on me.↓↓

Shellfish soup rahmen restaurant  MEN-YA UMIKAZE


If you are in the mood for…
I want something strong flavour.
I want to eat some rice.
I want to choose the amount of noodles I want.
I want noodles with other flavours than soy sauce, salt, pork bone and miso in ramen noodles.
Menya Maruichi